Charity News

November 5th, 2022

Queen’s Green Canopy Tree of Trees tree

The Wellderness has been chosen as custodians of one of 350 trees from the Queen’s Green Canopy Tree of Trees
Worthing, 10th of October 2022.

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November 1st, 2022

Will You Remember Them?

This November, Worthing based charity, Care For Veterans is asking runners across the Nation to complete an 11k race to raise money for disabled Veterans' care.
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September 15th, 2022

Acorn stands up for Baby Loss Awareness Week

Worthing charity Acorn Pregnancy Counselling Centre is showing its support for this year’s Baby Loss Awareness Week with a display at the Co-op store in Cricketers Parade, Broadwater.

This year marks the 20th year of Baby Loss Awareness Week in the UK – a week for everyone in the baby loss community and beyond to come together to remember and commemorate our much-loved and missed babies.

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July 26th, 2022

Worthing declares Cost of Living Emergency

A Cost of Living Emergency has been declared by Worthing Borough Council, with a commitment to also urgently help feed those most in need.

The Council is working on an urgent action plan on how to work with health and education experts and the community to support the estimated 12,000 people in the borough who cannot afford to feed themselves and their families.

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